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Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability
March 14, 2024 at 4:00 AM
A relaxing afternoon spent driving through the forest heading towards a distant and obscure lunch spot. Instead of going thru highways, my friend likes to take backroads and discover new routes. Always a grand time.

Hired and non-owned auto liability insurance is a crucial aspect of risk management for home health care providers, especially considering the increased costs associated with potential accidents or incidents involving vehicles used for business purposes.

This type of insurance helps mitigate the financial risks associated with accidents involving vehicles that are not owned by the home health care agency but are used for work-related tasks, such as transporting clients or running errands.

By having hired and non-owned auto liability coverage in place, home health care providers can protect themselves from potential lawsuits, medical expenses, and property damage costs that may arise from accidents involving non-owned vehicles used for business purposes.

It is essential for home health care agencies to carefully assess their insurance needs and consider investing in hired and non-owned auto liability coverage to ensure they are adequately protected against unforeseen risks and liabilities related to vehicle use in their operations.